Vigo Mortensen Profil
izvor: IMDB
Pravo ime: Viggo Peter Mortensen Jr.
Nadimak: Vig
Visina: 1.80 m
Datum rođenja: 20.10.1958
Mesto rođenja: Manhattan, New York City, New York, USA
Znak u horoskopu: Vaga
U Braku Sa: Exene Cervenka
Albino aligator (Albino aligator)
Apaluza (Apaloosa)
Dnevna svetlost (Daylight)
Gospodar prstenova: Družina prstena (The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring)
Gospodar prstenova: Dve kule (The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers)
Gospodar prstenova: Povratak kralja ( The lord of the rings: The return of the king)
Indijanski trkač
Istorija nasilja (A History of Violence)
Mladi Amerikanci (The Young americans)
Opasan metod (A Dangerous Method)
Redov Džejn (G.I. Jane )
Savršen zločin (A perfect murder)
Svedok (Witness)
Svetlost dana (Daylight)
Zakletva (Eastern Promises)